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Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's HOT!

How can you knit in this heat!?
I know a lot of avid knitters and crocheters who take pretty much the whole summer off from their favorite hobby. Why? It's so freakin hot!

Here are some ways to engage some yarn activities without turning into a sweaty felted mess:
  1. Choose your project wisely - need to get an afghan done? make it in pieces so you don't have a ton of fabric on your lap. A little seaming will save you a lot of sweat.
  2. Think ahead to winter months and use this time to get your smaller holiday gifts out of the way; mittens, scarves & hats can all be knit quickly in an air conditioned room.
  3. Choose your yarn wisely - look for projects in cotton, bamboo, linen and other plant fibers which are great at wicking moisture away from your body. Not only will your hands not sweat and stick to the yarn, your finished project will also be suitable for the warm weather.
  4. Knitting/Crocheting at the beach? Don't worry about getting sand in there - when you get home you can soak your project in a sink of lukewarm water, even if it's still in progress. (Can I recommend some SOAK?) Just be careful about lotion and oils, those might be harder to get out.
  5. Still don't feel like working with some yarn? Use this time to read a little knitting humor or do some project planning for when it does cool down. If you plan your projects ahead of time you might not go crazy when those due dates come up. You can also have an idea of what yarns you need and how much for when those sales come around (we have a street fair sale coming up in July) and you can buy ahead of time on discount.
  6. Use a vacation day to organize your stash (yeah, right, I know it's wishful thinking). Some people store their yarn in plastic bags with a label on them. I don't, but it's important to sift through your old stash once in a while just to check and see if you have some moths in there (Yikes!) or mildew (it will smell like "basement").
Anyone else have any ideas? I'm knitting with a lot of cotton and bamboo right now - no wool at all. My most sticky project right now is in Comfort, which I reserve for when I'm in the AC.

Alright, I'm off to crochet!
Have fun with the string,

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